
Stories are the shared enterprise of all.

What We Hope to Do

Our intention is to provide an open-content fictional world to generate transformative acts of storytelling and art outside of an exclusionary framework of ownership or traditionalist hierarchy. We know how hard fans and creators work, our upcoming commercial License will allow anyone to reserve the rights to distribute and sell their work(s) for a time while all intellectual property remains unencumbered by copyright forever. We hope this living experiment or project may serve as a cultural alternative where individuals are free to customize their learning and livelihoods on their own terms.

How We Plan to Do It

Content currently available may be found in Works, please be advised that some content may be intended for mature audiences. To learn more about the fictional universe, we have a burgeoning Wiki. We would like to invite you to join our Forum to discuss the open source license for creators as well as a variety of other subjects related to Canonicity after agreeing to our Code of Conduct.

Why We Do It This Way

Canonicity is a living experiment or project, and its online presence is subject to change at any time to encourage progress and advancement(s), professionally and personally. We know that this can be an inconvenience, therefore we will do our best to remain transparent about what revisions are made and when. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to Contact us.